P.O. Box 572, Fulton, New York


Thank you for your interest in Volunteering!  If you can pledge 2 hours, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch.

    Fields tabled with an asterisk(*) are required.

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    Thank you for wanting to volunteer, we have the following opportunities to choose from:

    Fulton City School District - students can submit their own projects
    Boy Scouts - Eagle Scouts can submit their own

    Sparkle-a-Park CleanupsNeeded: a Few Good PICK-UP TRUCK drivers! We often have a need to transport various cargo across town, on short notice. Please respond if you are willing to be on our call list when the need arises. We appreciate anything you can do. Thank you.A Day in the Park set up, assist guests, host games, clean up, raking in safety surfacing around playground equipment <b>(2-hour shifts)</b>Recreation Park - Little Free Library maintenance - check on it, keep it stocked and clean- we have a supply of books <b>(2 hours each week)</b>Rec Park - fitness equipment - monthly maintenance checklist, keep it clean <b>(2 hours each month)</b>Lake Neatahwanta Nature Trail – May thru September - periodic cleaning (litter, trimming vegetation if needed) <b>(2-4 hours)</b>Van Buren Park - fitness equipment - monthly maintenance checklist, keep it clean <b>(2 hours each month)</b>Hulett Park - play equipment - monthly maintenance checklist, keep it clean <b>(2 hours each month)</b>Hulett Park - Little Free Library maintenance: check on it, keep it stocked, clean, and report any issues - we have a supply of books <b>(2 hours each week)</b>Other - we will contact you about your ideas.

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