P.O. Box 572, Fulton, New York

Cleanups and Projects

Cleanups and Projects

Dear Friends,

To the thousands of individuals, businesses, institutions, and organizations who have given their time, talents, skills, and support to Friends of Fulton Parks over the years, a heartfelt thank you!

You are all Friends of Fulton Parks, and collectively have made a lasting, beneficial impact in the community. You have made an undeniable difference with every bench, brick, bobcat,  bolt, hammer, nail, litter bag, laugh, book, garden, glove, float, photo, flower, milkweed, nail, net, paintbrush, post, plaque, prize, pump, rake, shovel, shingle, shrub, sign, tamp, tree, truck, wheelbarrrow, t-shirt, decal, meal, memory, computer keystroke, etc, etc, etc…

Unfortunately, FoFP will not be facilitating park cleanups or projects in the parks this summer. Since 2020, the City has restricted FoFP from fulfilling its Mission in the parks, despite months of FoFP Board Member attempts to discuss and compromise. That is why  FoFP is not applying for grants, receiving donations, or recruiting members.

Hopefully, a positive, respectful, and collaborative relationship may be restored with the next City of Fulton administration.

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